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Children's Race

Supporting children’s resilience and well being


Understand your child’s strengths and challenges that may impact life at home and school.


Psychological assessments may help to identify a learning disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), intellectual disabilities, giftedness, or other exceptionalities that may be impacting schooling, home life, and work.


Psycho-Educational and Psychological assessments for children and youth ages 6 years to age 25 years.

Individual Therapy and Parenting Support

Therapy for children and youth up to age 19 years. Parenting supports for a range of concerns.


Dr. Van Bruggen is not currently accepting clients to her wait-list for therapy, but is accepting for parent consultations (Jan 3, 2025).


​​Providing evidence-based treatments for a wide range of issues and concerns including: externalizing behaviors (e.g., hitting, running away)​, internalizing problems (e.g., anxiety, depression), school refusal, grief and loss, sleep difficulties, too much screen time, and helping with bad habits.


Working with parents/caregivers to promote social, emotional and behavioural adjustment and attachment security in their loved one.


Helping schools and other organizations support children and youth who have mental health challenges and behavioral concerns.

Contact me today
Please note that Dr. Van Bruggen has moved offices. She is now located at: 345-1627 Fort St.
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